We have posted some of MARIA DEMINA’s Work HERE and HERE. It is safe to say we are fans.
You can follow her on instagram at @OhWahtaWoman because even she knows she’s got something special going on. I would normally be turned off by that level of narcism or ego, but at the same token, in this era of everyone being self obsessed, selfie taking, mirror loving, weirdos, you need to be bold to stand out. You need to take your competitive instinct and say “you think you’re a woman, well in that case I will be “OH WHAT A WOMAN”.
You know what I mean, the bolder, the louder, the better when you have the body to back it up.
These are a series of self portraits, because everyone can be an artist these days, but not everyone can be this good of an artist! So current, relevant and timely since self portraits are safer than photoshoots. This COVID is putting everyone to the test, where only the strong will survive.
I feel like if any of us looked like this, self portraits wouldn’t be the only thing we’d be doing with ourself. Am I right?!