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Greetings, one and all and welcome to Naked News! If you’ve spent any time on social media recently, you’ve probably seen a lot of the phrase “Okay, boomer.” And while it’s mostly used dismissively, our first story today should convince you that boomers are indeed, okay! Here’s Tia in the Naked Newsroom!

Their hair may be grey, but senior citizens are loving the green! According to a new study, between 2015 and 2018, the number of American seniors consuming marijuana has nearly DOUBLED! And while it is of course often used medicinally, one of the study’s authors noted it seems to be the healthier older people who are trying pot more!

Amsterdam is known for its cannabis cafes… but they may soon be off-limit to tourists! It seems the city is worried about overtourism, and is considering making their “coffee shops” for locals only. It could work too, since a recent survey of international visitors found over a third would come to Amsterdam less often if they weren’t allowed to visit, and eleven percent said they wouldn’t come at all! Clearly they haven’t heard of the live sex shows!

And the European Space Agency is trying to get you into bed! Specifically, it’s looking for people willing to stay in bed for SIXTY DAYS to test the impact of space travel. And if that sounds like a vacation to you… I’m thinking the thrill will wear off pretty fast. At least one shoulder needs to be touching the bed AT ALL TIMES… including meals and bathroom breaks! But, if that sounds like your kind of gig EIla, it does pay about sixteen grand.

Yeah, I’ll pass, thanks. If I’m going to spend that much time in a bed, it’s not going to be alone! Thanks, Tia. Over the years at Naked News, we’ve run the gamut from vegans to ranchers… but I think it’s safe to say that as a group, we don’t like fur and we LOVE nudity! So, in that spirit, here’s Amanda with something we can ALL enjoy.

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