Usually, I write my blurb just before an update is published. With Sarah Lynch’s, I forgot to add it before the photos went live. This happens from time to time if I get too overwhelmed with random stuffs. Last night, I had the excuse of being focused on running a half marathon in the very streets where I took some of these photos. It was a great time, especially when it was over and I soaked in the runner’s high. Sarah Lynch was an interesting character. She doesn’t smile much nor does she know how to drive. I suppose its because she lived for quite a while in NYC. Sarah is visually stunning and her East Coast persona was refreshing. If you notice the mark on her forehead, its from a curling iron during a recent modeling gig. Sarah explained that she’s often part of huge productions with many, many staff on set. Luckily, I was able to convince her to shoot with this GWC.