Xconfessions By Erika Lust, She Groped Me By The Groceries

Director Lidia Ravviso

Performers Luke Hotrod, Magena Yama
A chance encounter between supermarket aisles leads to a frantic and passionate scene in a storage warehouse

Non faccio mai la spesa con le cuffie. Quella volta pensai che isolarmi mi avrebbe evitato inutili distrazioni.
Ero vicino ai latticini quando la notai; cercava di attirare la mia attenzione gesticolando all’altezza del mio sguardo, e quando liberai le orecchie dagli auricolari mi chiese se parlavo inglese. La aiutai a trovare le uova e a pesare le verdure, e ricevuto il suo ringraziamento in breve tempo completai la mia spesa.
Quando arrivai in cassa lei era ancora in coda, 3 o 4 clienti più avanti; annoiata dalla lunga fila, a un certo punto si voltò e mi riconobbe, sfoderando un sorriso raggiante. Dopo aver pagato, uscii dal supermercato e mi diressi verso il parcheggio. Appena svoltato l’angolo mi sentii afferrare per le braccia e trascinare in uno stanzino buio; c’erano scope in un angolo e scaffalature d’acciaio colme di detergenti. La porta si richiuse alle mie spalle e mi accorsi che era lei. Mi mise le mani al collo e iniziammo a baciarci. Pochi secondi dopo si staccò guardandomi con espressione maliziosa; continuò a tenere gli occhi piantati nei miei mentre si inginocchiava e mi slacciava la cintura. Leccò per qualche secondo l’asta eretta prima di prenderlo in bocca; le misi la mano tra i capelli per accompagnare i movimenti della sua testa mentre pompava. Dopo un paio di minuti si alzò in piedi, si sfilò le mutandine e appoggiò le mani contro il muro, dandomi le spalle. Mi ordinò di metterglielo nel culo e venirle dentro; sollevai il vestito e affondai le dita nella figa fradicia, strofinando poi il suo buchino per lubrificarlo. La penetrai lentamente assaporando i suoi gemiti soffocati e i muscoli che si irrigidivano. Affondavo deciso mordicchiandole il collo e soffiandole nell’orecchio; dopo qualche colpo la inondai di seme caldo.
Restammo immobili l’uno dentro l’altra appena il tempo che i nostri battiti si calmassero; lei si liberò, mi diede un ultimo bacio e in un attimo era fuori. Aveva lasciato le mutandine umide a terra. Le raccolsi e, dopo averle annusate, le misi nella busta insieme al resto della spesa.

I never normally do the shopping with headphones. But this time I thought I would isolate myself from distractions. I was close to the dairy products when I noticed; She is trying to get my attention, gesturing at the height of my eyes, and when I removed my earphones she asked me if I spoke English. I helped her find the eggs and to weigh the vegetables, and received her thanks. In a short time I completed my shopping. When I reached the checkout she was still in the queue, 3 or 4 customers before; bored by the long line, at one point she turned around and recognized me, flashing a radiant smile. After paying, I left the supermarket and headed toward the parking lot. Just around the corner I felt myself seized by the arms and dragged into a dark closet; There were brooms in a corner and steel shelves full of detergents. The door closed behind me and I realized it was her. She put her hands around my neck and began to kiss. Seconds later she broke away looking at me with a mischievous expression; She kept her eyes planted on me as she knelt and undid my belt. She licked for a few seconds the upright rod before taking it in her mouth; I put my hand through her hair to accompany the movements of her head as she pumped. After a few minutes she stood up, took off her panties and put her hands against the wall, her back to me. She ordered me to stick it in her ass and to come inside her; I lifted her dress and slid my fingers into her wet pussy, then rubbed her little hole to lubricate it. I penetrated, slowly savouring her muffled cries and the muscles stiffened. I sank into her and nibbled her neck, blowing on her ear. After a few more thrusts I released my hot seed. We remained motionless inside each other until our pounding hearts subsided; She broke free, she gave me one last kiss and in a moment was out. She had left the damp panties on the ground. I gathered myself and, after that, put them in my bag along with the rest of my shopping. — By dieyoungstaypretty

Erika’s comment

What an amazing confession from dieyoungstaypretty! Lidia read it and absolutely loved it, and the resulting film I hope you’ll agree is hot, hot, HOT! I really loved seeing an XC film set in London too, that hasn’t happened before!

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